Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How To Do iOS 7 Jailbreak

How To Do iOS 7 Jailbreak

How To Do iOS 7 Jailbreak

Since the birth of iphones they have been very famous around the globe. With their top notch performance, operating system, and their quality and design. But all the nice things does not come in one box. Unlike its toughest competition android , iOS has been very strict in terms of their Operating system and its customization.
iOS provides the best responsiveness,performance,GUI but there is one con, you cannot change the UI of ioS, cannot add/remove custom features, cannot add themes, cannot add 3rd party utilitues. iOS has been very strict in this case.
This is where iOS 7 Jailbreak comes in, Jailbreak was meant to be a method which gave apple iphone,ipad users the freedom of customization,well ! not like android but closer to it.
Jailbreak is a certain process where you install an app like cydia in your iphone and that cydia grants permission to 3rd party or cracked apps to be used in iOS giving iphone complete freedom.
Whenever you buy an iphone you are always asked two questions
  • Is your iphone Jailbroken?
  • Is your iphone factory unlocked ?
The fact is that every factory unlocked iphone can be jailbroken but not every jailbroken idevice can be factory unlocked.
Jailbreak provides certain features and customizations that makes every iDevice user want to jailbreak their’s.

iOS 7 Jailbreak

After an era of ios 6 io7 Was rolled out which was completely evolved into a new one. Giving more security,performance,features,privacy to users. But that didn’t stopped developers from jailbreaking it.Infact it was a new challenge for Cydia Team to try and jailbreak iOS 7 and perform an ios 7 Jailbreak.
iOS is a new operating system which was rolled out in the late 2013. It was the last major update for the iPhone 4 and starting updates for iphone 5 and Above.
iOS 7 Jailbreak is not a hard thing to do. You can jailbreak your io7 Device. It does not depend on the version of your ios. If your on ios 7 then you can jailbreak. It does not require a specific ios 7 jailbreak.

How To Do iOs 7 Jailbreakevasi0n-icon (1)


  • iOS 7 Supported device i.e a device running on ios 7
  • iPhone charged to atleast 50%
  • A fully working cable, one that does not occasionally disconnects your iphone
  • iphone 4, iphone4s , iphone 5, iphone 5s, iphone5c
  • Evasion Jailbreak  utility.Download it from here


1. First of all you must have EvasiOn Jailbreak Utility downloaded into your computer. You can choose mac os or Windows depending on what type of OS you have from the EvasiOn Website.

2. After you’ve downloaded your evasion software. Open it.evasion-jailbreak-ios-7-ios-7.0.4-evasi0n-windows-mac-download

3. Now connect your iphone,ipod,ipad to get your ios 7 jailbreak.
4. If your device does not connect then try installing itunes first and then connect to Evasion Jailbreak Utility.
5. Now After Clicking Jailbreak If a video pops up saying to change your date and time setting then do so accordingly.It will guide you in changing the time and date on your device to 8:30 PM on June 2nd 2014, which is needed for jailbreak exploit to work. If it does not then dont worry. Just proceed ahead.
6. The Evasion jailbreak utility will now start jailbreaking your iphone. If it asks you to do something then do it . Dont be afraid. Nothing will happen.
7. After your phone restarts and evasion utility says successfull then hurray, you got your ios 7 jailbreak. You should see a Cydia app icon in your Homescreen. Just open it and let it configure. Now you successfully have your ios 7 jailbreak.ios 7 jailbreak

Tethered and Untethered Jailbreak :

Tethered Jailbreak : A Jailbreak which will delete itself automatically when your phone restarts. After restart You will again have to jailbreak for cydia.

Untethered Jailbreak : A Jailbreak Which will not delete itself even after you restart your iphone. It will reamain in your idevice untill or unless you delete it yourself.

Go to link Download

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